Do aliens exist?

(Biblical Truths)

So now that we have defined what exactly an alien is we now want to know Do aliens exist: that is, is there any life beyond planet earth? 

 Some people would say yes, they absolutely do while others would say no there is no proof, but ultimately to a scientific point of view it’s inconclusive as of now:

They don’t really know [1].

Though humans don’t know for sure, many scientists and curious humans love to fantasize about the great mystery and excitement of alien life that possibly might exist beyond earth and what it would be like to meet them. Some even try to find alien (and possibly intelligent) life by doing things from sending rovers to mars to collect samples of mars dirt to look for basic cells to sending out tape recording of human cultures on earth with all different languages into the depths of outer space hoping it gets by alien life intelligent enough to understand it.

Though some humans try all they can to seek alien life and some even claim to have been contacted by them, there has been no true modern verification of alien contact:

There has been no modern verified alien contact to earth, nor has humanity explored every planet or corner of space to prove aliens do not exist otherwise. Ultimately, no human on earth truly knows if alien life exists or not, so is there any way to truly know for sure?

Look to the Bible:

What does the bible say about alien life?

To many, the last place they would look if they wanted to know if aliens exist would be the Bible. Because to many, the Bible is an outdated ancient book not up with modern times, how would the Bible know if there were such things as Aliens?

But since the Bible has proven accurate and the truth time and time again, and its author has proven to be the God of the universe that wrote it, it stands to reason there is no other book (nor anyone else on earth) so greatly qualified to answer such a question.

So, if we read the Bible what does it reveal (if anything) about life outside of Earth?

Well even though at first the answer might not be clearly obvious, by keeping the definition of an alien in mind and reading everything the Bible has to say concerning life outside of Earth; the Bible openly verifies that alien life does indeed exists beyond the Earth.

Because the Bible does positively verify that there is a least one alien being out there, we find on a more detailed study of the Bible there is one very intelligent and powerful alien being that does not come from earth, in the bible this alien being is known as God. 

Since God created the entire planet Earth and everything on it and in it:

Genesis 1:1

“...God createdthe earth.

Job 38:4

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

He could not have been from earth (because he existed before Earth existed)

And The rest of the Bible confirms he originally is not from Earth, but a place called ‘Heaven’ and as covered in “Biblical Heaven” Heaven is just a general term for an upward direction from someone’s perspective on Earth (in fact there are different ‘layers’ of heaven and specifically the one God is from is definitely described as being far BEYOND the planet Earth’s atmosphere!)  

2 Chronicles 6:30

“...heaven Your dwelling place (where God lives),…”

Psalm 103:19

“The Lord has established his throne(where God lives and rules over reality) in heaven,…”

So, God is described in the Bible as a living being not from Earth but way beyond the Earth’s atmosphere somewhere: a perfect description of an alien/extraterrestrial!

God is an alien?

While God definitively is an alien according to the definition of one covered before, something needs to be clarified here:

Just because God is an alien DOES NOT mean that God is really a green little big-eyed alien from another planet in the universe that rides in a spaceship shaped saucer or even an advanced alien race who has made contact with the human race. No, God is still the great and powerful creator and ruler of all reality exactly as the Bible describes him as. 

the fact that he is an alien does not change these facts!

In fact, God is not what many humans would picture as an alien:

in fact, God is the last thing we would think of as an alien, but by the definition of an alien God most certainly is an alien/extraterrestrial:

God does not originate from Earth because God created earth! So therefore, by logic he could not have come from Earth. God is not often really thought of as an alien, and for good reason; he is not just any alien being that came from any planet; he is the ultimate alien lifeform (or any lifeform) and the creator of the entire universe, he didn’t originate from another planet in the universe, he IS the maker of other planets and the universe!

Nevertheless, God is still an alien

So, there is our answer:

According to the Bible, alien life definitely does exist beyond Earth!

 And the Bible also reveals it is VERY intelligent life! Because God is considered very intelligent!

Other aliens talked about in the Bible

As we read deeper into the Bible, we find out that God is not the only alien being mentioned as existing, we find mentions of other alien beings that do not come from earth but were also created by God. But like God, they are not from another planet in the universe nor are they described as big eyed green/Grey beings driving in saucer-shaped spaceships, but rather are described as far more majestic and terrifying than the traditional view of aliens.

 These other Aliens are called Angels in The Bible.

Angels are also aliens because, like God, they do not originally come from earth because the Bible says they were watching earth being made by God:

Job 38:4-7

“...when I laid the earth’s foundationall the angels shouted for joy…”

 So, by logic, they also could not have come from earth because they existed while Earth was being created (and very likely before Earth was created)

and they also described as coming from ‘Heaven’ just like God (in fact they are called ‘Heavenly host’ because they live with God up in heaven!)

Luke 2:13

“…Suddenly a great company of the heavenly hostthe angels…”

Psalm 103:20-21 

“...Praise the Lord, you his angels,…Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts,…”

And they are always seen coming down from Heaven (which as covered in Biblical Heaven is really the sky) and back up again into heaven!

Matthew 28:2

“ angel of the Lord came down from heaven(the sky)…”

Luke 2:15

 “[then] the angels had left them and gone into heaven(the sky)…”

But like God, this does not mean Angels are really green little big-eyed aliens from another planet nor another advanced alien race who has made contact with the human race. No Angels are the great powerful servants of God almighty as exactly described in the Bible.

And like God, Angels are not usually what human would think of as aliens, but some humans have made the connection between Angles being Aliens lifeforms not from Earth (even though many who believe this also think they are really the stereotypical aliens from another planet in the universe: in which they are not according to the Bible [2]).

So, the Bible tells us that there is indeed alien life beyond Earth if you define what an alien is and look very closely of how the Bible describes God and Angels. And this alien life is very intelligent and powerful too, However, this alien life is very different from what humans imagine as well. instead of physical humanoid-like beings from an advanced alien civilization coming from another planet (or anywhere in the physical universe) Angles and God are described as spiritual beings coming from a place ‘higher’ or ‘beyond’ the whole physical universe (as explained in ‘Biblical Heaven’). While it’s not truly known what is beyond (if anything) the universe this could possibly be referring to a whole other dimension (as covered in ‘Biblical Heaven’).

If this is the case (as it’s strongly hinted to be in the Bible) then these spiritual aliens are not only just not from Planet Earth, but they are also not even from this physical universe as well! This would make them not only just aliens or extraterrestrial (life not from Earth) but also it would make them extra-dimensional (life beyond this dimension)!

So, in conclusion, why humans debate wherever Alien life truly exist beyond Earth; the Bible as God’s word to humanity, has spoken: yes, alien beings do exist because God and all the angles he has created are aliens; but they are not physical beings another planet in the universe but rather are spiritual beings from another dimension.

(Back to Biblical Truths)



Sep 9, 2021

Do Aliens Exist? We Asked a NASA Scientist: Episode 5

Solar system and beyond


INTERVENTION THEORY AND HUMAN CIVILIZATION “Angels Are Aliens?” by Brefney Charlton on June 14, 2016
